Akelius Invest Ltd


investment account

1 year 3,25 percent

2 years 7,12 percent

Corresponds to 3,50 percent annual return

5 years 20,21 percent

Corresponds to 3,75 percent annual return

New investment terms begin on the last day of every month.
The investments are bound during the term.

The guaranteed return, as well as the original investment, is re-invested or paid out on the due date. 

liquidity account 3,0 percent

The return is fixed for 6 months.
The account holder has the right to an unlimited number of withdrawals during the period.
Fixed return during the duration of 6 months,
1,489 percent corresponding to 3,0 percent annual return.

Free withdrawals. Withdrawals are paid after five banking days.

A new period of six month duration begins on the last day every month.  

cash account

Every account holder at Akelius will be assigned a cash account. The cash account is a non interest bearing transaction account.
The account holder is entitled to an unlimited number of withdrawals. Withdrawals are paid after five banking days.

Available funds in the cash account will be transferred automatically on the last day of the month to a liquidity account unless something else is requested by the account holder. 

available currencies

The investment products are open for investments in EUR, SEK, GBP, DKK and CAD.

The return is the same regardless of selected currency. 


SEB, Account holderAkelius Invest Ltd
account number for SEK5811 10 746 03
account number for EUR5067 82 141 07
IBAN for SEKSE40 5000 0000 0581 1107 4603
IBAN for EURSE82 5000 0000 0506 7821 4107
Swedbank, Account holderAkelius Invest Ltd.
account number for GBP8901-1 37 015 628-3
IBAN for GBPSE31 8000 0890 1103 7015 6283


Invest account number.
Preferred investment.
Preferred currency, CAD, DKK, EUR, GBP or SEK.


request withdrawal by

Akelius online service or a signed request 


Account and bank details

If you would like to prematurely surrender an investment which has a fixed term, contact our customer service.
They will look into the matter and contact you with the terms and conditions we are able to offer.

annual charge

To cover the costs of administration, inspection, and customer services, we charge 20 EUR or the equivalent amount in another currency per calendar year.
This charge is debited primarily from your cash account, secondly from your liquidity account.

If there are no funds available in your cash account or Liquidity account, the charge will be debited as an interest free debt to the cash account.

The debt is automatically settled when any part of your investment is capitalized.